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                接近年底,如翼设计先祝福新老客户2020年生意兴隆。 由于近↙段太忙,我司很多设计方面的新闻咨询类更新较慢,现在统一进行个汇总 1.无人驾驶汽车,深圳高科技行业某公司的三维制作、vi设计、网站设计项目进行。前两项已经完成并受到客户的好评。三维方面做到∏细致效果图及结构模拟,平面方面,结合高科技行业的一些特征,赋予行业精髓及差异化设计。希望我们VI设计继续延续好的传统,使得双方都得到很好的运气。 2.成飞云影项目三维动画制作启动,涉及两个新的动画,一个是侦察类型,另一个是气象类型▲。基于多年的经验积累和轻车熟路的配合服务,期待继续延续当年的好口碑,做出客户更满意的作品。这次项目周期为半年,时长加起来有二十分钟。是两个大型动画。云影无人机是国家重点项目,备受大众关注。有幸我们和成飞、和云影一同成长…… 3.海洋居品提↓案。由于前期集团官网的成功上线,我司获得海洋居品客户的好评和信任。经过两个星期的努力,海洋居品VI设计今天进行初步提案,我们付出十二分的努力,争取让客户满意。海洋居品集团的画册也々在紧锣密鼓进行中 4.杭州某儿童品牌VI设计,由于我司在儿童产品VI设计的丰富①经验,现今进行这一儿童品牌的VI设计。期待好的设计出现 5.经过不懈努力和业界的口碑,我司成为贝因美公司的认证供应商 6.和星辰合作的中海油VR项目顺利验收,并得到客户的极大认可 今年的年☉底的任务较重,如翼设计依旧保持好的状态,期待不负众望,圆满完成客户的设计 初衷不改:为您添上一对翅膀!
                项目包含两个内容:公司官网和试题测试网站。 总结该项目的几个特点: 1.UE体验交互的重要性 2.设计∞风格的重要性 3.网站程序的主攻方向及遇到的问题; 公司官网相对简单。主要谈论下培训类网站试题测试系统的搭建,以便给后来者提供经验。测试类网站功能几大特点:一是语音输入功能,利用第三方系统给测试者评分;二是试题题库的建立和研究;三是用户系统管理;四是最好定制开发,因为类似的模板非常难找到; 先是体验交互的问题,由于重在测试试题的稳定和速度,所以网站图片一定要精简精简再精简,才能保证速度和稳定;首页内容展示,这样设置重要程度比较合理些:题库类型测试>名师推荐>优秀学员>我的课程 语音输入要考虑到一个大问题,那就是服务器空间的采用,学员多了以后,语音文件很占空间。题库选择是个大难题,一套卷子题库上传,对错判定等等管理起来都很要命。所以要把功能先规划好。 由于是澳洲网站,可以在设计的时候突出澳大利亚元素。这样可以一目了然。 会员管理分三种级别:未注册会员可以试做几道题,注册会员可以有限制做一些题,付费会员可以做所有题并有名师指导等等。付费方式尽量简单化,摈弃以往网站付费的方式,采用网站转手机的方式。由于学员主要从」中国人和英语国家里面产生,采用两种语言模式; 由于现在网站的简约化,所以在时尚潮流◤方面客户有要求,另外,由于需要和各种培训类网站风格有所区别,在差异化方面下了功夫 由于推广渠道在百度和网站上,所以在网站上SEO功能预设方面留下很大的空间,方便客户之后的操作。 希望得到客户的认可 如翼设■计原创,转贴请注明:如翼设计,更多内容请点击:如翼视点   如翼设计设计能力:点击查看  了解如翼设计服务内容:如翼设计做些什么
                IBM Garage |Job Description   Role: Senior UX / UI Designer   Based in [ Garage location ], we are looking for a passionate Senior User Experience (UX) / User Interface (UI) Designer to join our team, to design and build exceptional digital experiences, with world leading emerging technology.   The IBM Garage is an Innovation and Transformation consultancy located in the heart of the start-up community. Our design led practice applies Design Thinking and Lean User Experience (UX) techniques to help our clients, large and small, deliver amazing experiences to their customers by helping them identify and build the right solution on IBM Cloud technologies.   We are looking for a Senior Designer who is a passionate advocate for excellence in UX and UI design. Someone who understands the principles of connecting with humans, through designing delightful and intuitive digital products. We bring a fast paced, collaborative environment in an industry co-located workplace, supported by our team of developers who specialise in emerging IBM Cloud technology.   Collaboration and rapid iteration is at the core of the way we build products. We are looking for designers who can work quickly to deliver irresistible experiences for mobile and web applications. IBM Garage designers team with other designers and developers, to rapidly design and build engaging solutions for client in 4 to 10 week cycles.   If you are interested, we would love to hear from you and chat through your portfolio. As a small team, connected to our Asia Pacific and broader World Wide IBM Garage teams, we would be excited to welcome your integral advice, contributions and collaboration to create amazing things for the real world.   The candidate will have: A passion for designing innovative digital solutions with emerging technologies. 5+ years proven experience creating delightful and innovative digital experiences. Experience working closely with customers through a continuous design process, leading customer engagement, and facilitating client workshops. Ability to work within constraints, designing and developing wireframes through to visual designs. Demonstrate an ability to create wireframes, high-fidelity designs and prototypes using tools such as Sketch, Photoshop and Invision. Ability to rapidly conceptualise, design and engage in critique. An understanding of interface and user experience design best practices for web, mobile and innovative digital solutions. Experience working with developers and demonstrate an understanding of designing within an agile development practice. Understanding of design models such as Google Sprint, IDEO Design Thinking, IBM Design Thinking, and Lean UX. Ability to work independently, when needed, as well as collaborate with a cross-functional team. Proven communication, storytelling, and prototyping skills. Proven typography awareness and skills.   Responsibilities of the position: Consult with existing and prospective clients, help assess design requirements, scope and craft design proposals. Lead Design Thinking workshops with clients, to understand the user experience, challenges and opportunities, collaboratively explore innovative design solutions, and define lean hypothesis driven Minimum Viable Products. Rapidly design low-fidelity sketches and sleek, high fidelity visuals on tight schedules with a ton of initiative. Champion excellence in digital design practice and promote thought leadership with customers and team members. Attention to design detail, understanding and application of visual design. Collaborate with developers to iteratively design experiences that delight customers while delivering measurable business impact. This position will typically include some national and international travel.